From Nintendo and Illumination comes a new animated film based on the world of Super Mario Bros. The Super Mario Brothers find themselves transported to a mysterious land called the Mushroom Kingdom. Join Mario on his quest to save Luigi-and the world-from the grips of evil Bowser and his army. The Super Mario Bros. Movie poseable plush! Inspired by the movie, Luigi stands at over 15" tall, is full articulated with hidden armature and comes with premium details including realistic acrylic eyes. You can collect them all!
Product Specifications
- Cuddly Texture: Made from soft and huggable materials, this plush provides a comfortable and enjoyable tactile experience.
- Poseable Limbs: Luigi's limbs are posable, allowing fans to recreate their favorite poses from the Super Mario games or invent new ones for imaginative play.
- Authentic Character Design: The plush accurately represents Luigi's iconic look, featuring his green hat, blue overalls, and endearing facial expressions, staying true to the character's design in the Super Mario Movie.
- Interactive Play: The posable nature of the plush adds an interactive element, making it a versatile toy for both play and display, perfect for fans looking to bring a piece of the Super Mario world into their own.
- Length : 36.9 cm
- Width : 40.7 cm
- Height : 31.8 cm