The Victrix Guard, also known as the Victrix Honour Guard, are an elite formation of Ultramarines chosen by the Primarch Roboute Guilliman after his resurrection in ca. 999.M41 to accompany him on the Terran Crusade. Veteran Marines with countless standard centuries of combat experience between them, the Victrix Guard advance fearlessly into battle with their Bolters thundering and their heads held high.
This Warhammer 40K Ultramarines Victrix Guard 1/18 scale figure comes with a variety of accessories and parts. This figure is a terrific addition to any Warhammer 40K collection!
Approx. 4.9 inches (12.4cm)
1/18 Scale
Made of plastic
Based on Warhammer 40K
Includes parts and accessories
Highly detailed
Box Contents
Victrix Guard figure
2 Cloaks
2 Pairs of additional hands
Handle for shield
Product Specifications
- Features a detailed 1/18 scale Victrix Guard.
- Ideal for Warhammer 40K collectors.
- High-quality craftsmanship and design.
- Length : 17.5 cm
- Width : 19.5 cm
- Height : 5 cm